Travel to Veilstone City, located east of Solaceon Town and Celestic Town.
Enter the Veilstone City gym, located in the southwest corner of town.
Stand to the left of the first punching bag, located directly north of you as soon as you enter the gym. Push the punching bag to the right, smashing the tires and creating an entrance.
Walk north through the newly created entrance. Push the punching bag directly to your right twice to the north. The punching bag stops in front of two holes in the ground. To the left is another punching bag.
Push the punching bag to the left of the holes to the north to smash the tires. Walk through the newly created entrance.
Push the punching bag to your left twice, destroying a set of tires with each push.
Push the punching bag in the northwest corner down and then right to destroy the second set of tires blocking the corridor to Maylene.
Push the punching bag in the southwest corner up, left and then down to break the tires in front of another punching bag.
Push the punching bag you just freed from the tires up and then right to destroy the last set of tires on the corridor guarding Maylene.
Travel north through the corridor. Push the last punching bag to the right to destroy the last set of tires.
Speak to Maylene to challenge her to a Pokemon battle.