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How to Get Veemon to Digivolve for Digimon World: Dawn

Veemon is the evolved form of Chicomon, one of the many Digimon you can acquire and train in the "Digimon World: Dawn" video game for the Nintendo DS. Once you have Veemon, his evolution path splits off into two different directions. This means you have the option of digivolving Veemon into ExVeemon or Veedramon. Each of these evolved forms has a set of different stat and level requirements, which, when met, will cause Veemon to digivolve automatically.


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      Increase Veemon's level by fighting in battles against other Digimon trainers. The more battles you win, the more experience Veemon will gain. Veemon must be level 18 or higher to digivolve into Veedramon, or 23 or higher to digivolve into ExVeemon.

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      Train Veemon at your Digifarm to increase his Attack stat. The Digifarm can be accessed via the PC at your home. Purchase the Sandbag, Training Log or Giant Boulder at any of the Farm Goods shops located throughout the game. These will increase Veemon's Attack. Veemon needs an Attack of 90 or higher to digivolve into Veedramon, or 120 or higher to digivolve into ExVeemon.

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      Purchase Farm Goods that increase Veemon's Dragon EXP or Spirit. Fire Road, Fire Ring and Fireworks all increase Dragon EXP. The Book Shelf, Study Table and Pentagram increase Spirit. Veemon needs 340 or more Dragon EXP to digivolve into Veedramon. To digivolve into ExVeemon, Veemon needs a Spirit level of 115 or higher.

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