Walk around the neighborhood and meet your neighbors. Before you can maintain your relationships, you have to meet people to become friends with. Once you meet a neighbor, you can begin building your friendship.
Call your friends on a daily basis through your home telephone. Keeping in touch with your friends causes your relationship to go up by one point. If you do not maintain contact with a friend, you will lose a point per day.
Wait a few days to contact someone if you have a negative relationship with them. Each day you do not speak with an enemy, your relationship goes back up a point until you have a neutral relationship again.
Perform tasks around people who will enjoy them. For example, Cynthia Braintrust likes when you talk about animals but hates flirting, and Mokey enjoys anything that does not involve money or insults.
Continue interacting with your friends in positive ways. As long as you maintain this ritual, your relationship points will increase, which increases your popularity.