Walk down the hall once you begin the Out of the Dungeon level. The troll smashes through the wall and begins destroying all of the bathroom stalls.
Follow the troll into the bathroom. Wait for the troll to finish destroying all of the stalls except the one where Hermoine is hiding. You should notice a great deal of debris and rubble on the bathroom floor.
Use your wand to pick up the debris and launch it at the troll. He will launch it back to you.
Press the wand button to hold the debris in midair once the troll launches it back at you. Wait until the debris forms a gold ring around it. Release the wand button. The debris should hit him hard enough to stagger him. Hit him once more with debris to knock him unconscious.
Use your wand to pick up the troll's club. Hit the troll over the head with his own club to defeat him and rescue Hermoine.