Walk around the house in the northwest corner of Carver's Campsite until you come across a stone pillar. Cast Move on the pillar twice, which moves it to the right twice, allowing you to step on it.
Follow the grassy path to the left until you enter the next area. Go down in the fork of the path until you reach the rope and pulley system.
Cast Fireball at the carriage on the rope to turn it on and make it automatically head toward you. Jump inside the carriage when it stops, and then cast Fireball on it again to travel to the other side of the gap. Exit the carriage.
Follow the grassy path up until you reach the river. Jump over the river onto the other side of the grassy path, and continue on to the other river. Again, jump across the river onto the path, and follow it until you come across the enemy holding the Jupiter Djinn.
Defeat the enemy. The fight with him works just like a regular battle, and he has 160 hit points. Once you defeat him, you will automatically receive the Jupiter Djinn, Gust.