Note the location of the hawk on the map; an image of a hawk appears over the area it's occupying. If you try entering the hawk-plagued area, you'll be stopped by a fairy who warns you to stay down. The area is inaccessible as long as the hawk is there.
Avoid the area; the hawk will disappear with time or be chased away by Baden or one of the other fairies. After the hawk is gone, you can enter the area safely. If the hawk does not disappear even after you've avoided it for some time, forget about the hawk and continue advancing in the game normally; the hawk disappears by the time you need to enter the area it's occupying.
Return to an area recently vacated by a hawk and hold your stylus down on Tinker Bell to activate her light; you'll see many sparkles indicating the locations of items the hawk dropped. Collecting these items is your consolation prize for having been inconvenienced by the hawk.