Things You'll Need
Search for Misdreavus at night, or set the clock on the Nintendo DS forward so it is night time. Misdreavus only comes out at night.
Travel to the Eterna Forest off of Route 205 and the Lost Tower on Route 209 in "Pearl," which are the only places where Misdreavus can be found in the wild.
Walk around the area to trigger an encounter with Misdreavus. It has a 20 percent encounter rate, so you will likely encounter other wild Pokemon before meeting a Misdreavus.
Battle the Misdreavus with another Ghost Type or a Dark Type. Misdreavus is strong against Bug Type and Poison Type and takes no damage from Normal, Fighting or Ground Type attacks.
Capture Misdreavus with a PokeBall when it is almost depleted of its health.
Visit any Pokemon Center and talk to the woman behind the counter to trade Misdreavus from "Pokemon Pearl" to "Pokemon Platinum." You will need a Wi-Fi Internet connection, or make a DS to DS connection with a second Nintendo DS.