Visit Saffron City after completing the Power Plant level. You can either fly or walk to the city during one of your quests.
Walk to the Magnet Train station and enter the house just below the train. Talk to Copycat and Copycat's mother. They tell you that Copycat has lost her Pokedoll in Vermillion City.
Fly to Vermillion City and walk to the Pokemon Fan Club in the house just above the GYM. Talk to the man on the couch. He gives you the lost Pokedoll that belongs to Copycat.
Return to Saffron City and walk into the house below the train station again. Give the lost doll to Copycat. She rewards you with a ticket for the Magnet Train.
Enter the Magnet Train station to activate the Magnet Train. Walk onto the train to be transported to the cities of Goldenrod, Khanto or Johto.