The PokeWalker
The PokeWalker is a device that comes along with "Pokemon SoulSilver" and it records your steps as you walk. Hook it to your belt, belt loop or hold it in your hand as you walk. Castform can only be caught by using the PokeWalker.
Castform Location
Castform can be found by following the Treehouse route and using the PokeWalker in conjunction with the route. Unfortunately, following this route gives you either Castform or Kecleon and you never know which Pokemon it will give you. If you don't receive Castform, you have to wait 24 hours before trying again.
Getting Castform
Connect your PokeWalker to your Nintendo DS and select the Treehouse route. Once the PokeWalker is loaded up with the route, walk 5,000 real-life steps with the device in your hand or attached to your belt. Once all 5,000 steps are recorded on your device, reconnect it to your DS and the data will be transferred over automatically.
When walking with the PokeWalker you can either walk in place or by walking a route of your own; such as around your backyard or around the inside of your home. How you walk doesn't matter, as long as it's 5,000 steps. It's best to make sure no one is around to distract you as you walk or the count might be off.