Distribute coins to your Mages. Each Mage can carry up to four coins, which will allow you to level them faster. Once the coins are up to the level you require, you can redistribute them among your party members.
Fight in battles to earn Devotion Points. Any character you instruct to attack the enemy will earn some Devotion Points at the end of the battle. This amount can be increased if you attack enemies that your elemental god happens to be weak against. For example, if you are worshiping Gote, fight enemies that worship Ema.
Apply Seals to your Coins. Seals are scattered throughout the world, but you are more likely to find them while questing in the towers. When you have a seal, you can engrave it onto your coin, which may boost its attributes.
Use the formula for dual-engraving to boost your Elemental Coins' levels. For example, if you are trying to level up a Fire-elemental Coin, apply a seal with the element that assists the element that Fire is strong against, which is Ice. You also must engrave a seal with the element that assists the element that Fire is weak against, which is Lightning. Therefore, engrave Earth and Wind seals to the Fire Coin to level it up.