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Where Is the Dragonscale in 'Pokemon SoulSilver'

Pokemon "SoulSilver" and "HeartGold" are enhanced Nintendo DS remakes of the Game Boy Color games, Pokemon "Gold" and "Silver." In the DS series of Pokemon games, certain types of items called "hold" items are responsible for various induced effects on Pokemon, giving trainers the opportunity to make choices about what roles their Pokemon will have. The Dragon Scale hold item induces evolution spontaneously in certain types of Pokemon, and can be obtained in one of four different ways.
  1. Mt. Mortar

    • Go to Mt. Mortar and make your way to the bottom floor of the dungeon, where Karate King is waiting to battle you. In the hallway before meeting him, go into the side room to find an item ball containing Dragon Scale.

    Poketholon Dome

    • Wait until Wednesday or Friday in-game and travel to Poketholon Dome. Go to the gift shop, and Dragon Scale should be one of the inventory items. Purchase it for 2,500 Poketholon Points.

    Seafoam and Whirl Islands

    • Use Surf in the area in or around the Seafoam or Whirl islands to initiate random battles. Dragon Scale is randomly held by Horsea, Seadra, Dratini and Dragonair, with Horsea being the most likely Pokemon to hold the item.


    • Dragon Scale can also be traded for over a local or remote Wi-Fi connection, because of the fact that it can be purchased twice weekly. Trading it for another semi-rare hold or evolution inducing item is appropriate, as is trading for a legendary or shiny Pokemon.

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