Fight the zombies using a weapon. Type a word like "sword," "gun" or "tank" to summon a weapon and then tap the weapon with your stylus to pick it up. Tap the zombie with your stylus to kill it using your currently equipped weapon.
Summon a person who can defeat the zombies for you. Type words like "hero," "soldier" or "knight" and the person you summon will automatically fight the zombies when they come into contact with one.
Type in the word of another monster, such as "werewolf," "monster" or "dragon" to bring out a creature that will attack anything, including zombies. Once the creature has killed the zombies, immediately drag it over to the trash bin before it attacks you. Monsters will always attack what is closest to them, so when you summon one, place it as close to the zombies as possible to ensure it attacks them and not you.
Write the names of wild animals such as "lion," "tiger" or "tyrannosaurus rex" to summon an animal that will destroy the zombie. Wild animals behave much like monsters do, so place the animal close to the zombies and then send it to the trash when the task is complete before it attacks you.
Lay traps using words like "mine" or "bomb" and placing them on the path between you and the zombies. If a zombie does not go for the trap, bait it by summoning a "brain" and placing it near the trap.