Head east along Route 205 once you leave the town of Floaroma. You'll notice enemies guarding the bridge, meaning you can't continue in that direction. Instead, walk to the right until you reach the Valley Windworks area.
Defeat the enemy grunt at the Windworks to trigger an event where you flee inside the building. Return to Floaroma town and go to the meadow, where you will see two enemies bothering a man.
Defeat both enemies and you will be rewarded with the key to the Windworks. Return there and enter, then defeat all the enemies inside. You will encounter a boss named Commander Mars and after defeating her the rest of Route 205 will be open.
Continue over the bridge on Route 205 and keep going until you reach Eterna Forest. After entering the forest, go right, then walk up. Go right when you can, then go down. Go right, then upwards and to the left. Go up again when you are able and you'll reach two trees that can be cut.
Go right from the two trees and you will have reached the forest exit. Continue along the route until you reach Eterna City in the east.
Walk to the southeast side of the city and you'll find the condominiums. It is to the east of the Poke Mart. Enter and speak to the man immediately to your left. He is the Name Rater.