Travel to the Iceberg Zone, which is the third zone players will enter. Approach the Ice Tree, a large, ice-covered tree in the northwestern section of the Iceberg Zone. Talk to the Kirlia standing in front of the tree, who asks that the player decorate the Ice Tree. After speaking to Kirlia, the player can now speak to the Pokemon Delibird. Approach Delibird.
Receive the first of four Christmas Presents from Delibird. Take it to the Ice Tree and press "A" when the word "Check" appears. The present is a decoration for the tree. Approach Delibird two more times to receive two more presents, adding each to the Ice Tree. Sneasel will now appear to view the Ice Tree. Players will see an image of Sneasel along with "Sneasel came to the Ice Tree!"
Approach Sneasel and select the "Talk" option. Sneasel will ask if the player wants to play Chase. Select "Yes." After the countdown, the player must pursue and tackle Sneasel within 60 seconds. Afterward, Sneasel becomes the player's friend.