Travel to Veilstone City. The game naturally takes you here as you progress through the story, and you cannot go to this city until that point.
Enter Veilstone Gym. This is the largest building in the city and has the characteristic symbol in front of it: half a Pokeball.
Defeat Maylene. Her Pokemon are a level-28 Meditite, a level-29 Machoke and a level-32 Lucario. All of these are fighting-type Pokemon, though Meditite is also psychic and Lucario is also steel-type. Psychic Pokemon can help you take out Machoke and Meditite. Ghosts and dragons can help you defeat Lucario, as can a strong fire-type. When you defeat Maylene, she will give you the Cobble Badge.
Exit the city through the southern path. This takes you to Route 212.