Things You'll Need
Have at least six Pokemon in PC Storage in Pokemon Ruby. Before you can begin migrating, you have to have at least that many Pokemon loaded into the PC storage. Later, you will be asked to select the Pokemon you wish to migrate, so organizing your Pokemon now will make things easier when the time comes.
Complete "Pokemon Diamond"/"Pearl" and see every Pokemon available in the game's region, then speak to Professor Oak in Professor Rowan's house. Before you can migrate, you need to complete the single-player campaign in "Diamond"/"Pearl" by defeating the Elite Four and winning the Pokemon League. Furthermore, you must also have at least seen every Pokemon available for capture in the version of the game you are using. This may sound daunting, but chances are you will have seen just about all of them in the course of the game anyway. If you are missing any, your Pokedex can tell you where to look for them. When that is done, visit Professor Rowan and meet Professor Oak, who will upgrade your Pokedex.
Insert "Pokemon Ruby" into the Nintendo DS Game Boy Advance cartridge slot with "Diamond"/"Pearl" still inserted in the DS cartridge slot. Start the system. When you activate the DS with both a GBA game and a DS game loaded into their respective slots, the system will ask you which one you want to use. Select DS and start the game. On the menu screen, select "Migrate from Ruby" and start the game normally.
Go to Pal Park and talk to the manager, who will start a Catching Contest. You will be given six special Pokeballs and released into the park. Your six Pokemon will be hiding somewhere in the park to be caught. There is a time limit, but if you fail to catch all six you can go back in and try again until you've caught them all. Once all six are captured, you must wait 24 hours until you can migrate again.