Examine the statues near the door. There are eight statues, arranged in a large, roughly circular pattern. Read the nearby sign for a clue to the statues' significance. The sign tells the story of a popular man, his followers and two men who loved the same woman, but ultimately became friends. Each character in the story corresponds to a statue in the circle.
Note the direction each statue faces. All statues face the center statue -- representing the "popular man" from the riddle -- except two, which face the only female statue in the circle. Locate the two statues that face the woman, and stand directly between them.
Use your stylus to equip the Spirit Flute in your inventory, and perform the Song of Light. The notes for the Song of Light are as follows: purple, yellow, orange, blue, white.
Wait for a beam of light to appear and unlock the Friendship Door. Enter the door after the cut scene has ended.