Things You'll Need
Unplug your Verizon modem. Run an Ethernet cable from the "Out" port on the modem to the "In" port on your wireless router.
Plug the modem back in and wait until it establishes a connection. This usually takes a few minutes.
Plug in the router and allow it to initialize. You now have a wireless connection in your home.
Open a Web browser on your computer and navigate to the default control panel address for the router, which is documented in the router's user manual. It's usually something like ""
Add a password to your wireless connection if you wish. You can change your password and other settings on the router's control panel.
Turn on your Nintendo DS with the "Pokemon HeartGold" cartridge inserted.
Tap the Wi-Fi setup button on the main menu and select "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Settings."
Touch the first empty connection, then tap "Search for an Access Point."
Select the network you just set up and enter the password if necessary.
Hit "OK," followed by "Save Settings." The DS will now test your connection. If successful, you are ready to access "HeartGold's" Wi-Fi features.
Load your saved game file. You can access Wi-Fi game options by entering any Pokecenter, heading downstairs and logging into one of the Wi-Fi stations.