Earn two types of medals for most rhythm games: superb medals and perfect medals. The extra rhythm game "Airboarders" does not grant medals. Use superb medals to unlock endless games in "Rhythm Heaven."
Earn a rank at the end of every rhythm game you play. Receive a rank of "Try Again," "Just OK," "OK" or "Superb." Earn a medal for each "Superb" ranking you receive.
Play a game when it is eligible for a perfect score opportunity. Receive a "Perfect" medal and border around the game for every rhythm game you complete with a perfect score. Opportunities to earn perfect scores are offered randomly during game play.
Attempt to reach a perfect score on up to three tries during a perfect score opportunity. If you fail to get a perfect score, the game will no longer be eligible for the "Perfect" status. Games closed will become available again in the future.