Play through the game until you have reached the Satellite Slum map. This is the area you automatically go to after finding the card shop and defeating Mimi and Chihiro near the beginning of Chapter 2.
Walk to the east of the beginning area of the map. This is where the Duel Runner shop is, but it is closed for now. Walk south of the shop to go to a new screen, where you will find Yusei.
Speak with Yusei to initiate a Duel Runner trial run. Complete your trial to unlock the Duel Runner shop. Head north back to the shop and purchase any upgrades you want for your Duel Runner.
Press "X" to display the in-game menu, then select the Duel Runner icon. Press the "Customize Duel Runner" button, the press the "Customize" button.
Press "A" while highlighting a Duel Runner part slot to pull up a list of the parts you have for that slot. This includes the upgrades you just purchased. Highlight the part you just purchased and press "A" to install it on your Duel Runner. Repeat this process until you have installed all of your upgrades to the Duel Runner.