Talk to the fisherman in the house behind the Pokemon Center in Olivine City to obtain a Good Rod.
Open your PokeGear and access your radio. Tune the radio to Professor Oak's Pokemon Talk to listen to his daily swarm report. Relicanth is only available when it is swarming, so wait until you get the report about Relicanth to seek out this Pokemon.
Travel to Route 12 using your preferred method of travel when you get the swarm report on Relicanth. Walk to any of the water areas in Route 12.
Press the "A" button on your controller while facing the water to use your Good Rod to fish for Pokemon. While Relicanth is swarming you will encounter several Relicanth at Level 20 and above when using your Good Rod.
Weaken the Relicanth in battle using your strongest Pokemon and best attacks. When Relicanth is weakened use a Pokeball to capture it.