"Dragon Quest IX" is a roleplaying game that follows in the "Dragon Quest" tradition of featuring dozens of skills, both combat oriented and for exploration. The Weird Dance is one of these skills, a party trick that causes the player avatar to perform a funny dance. It has no effect on the game world; it is purely for the amusement of the player and his friends while in multiplayer mode. The player can learn the Weird Dance by speaking with a ghost in the Bowhole.
Travel to the Bowhole dungeon, a cave isolated in the mountains. It's located northwest of the Western Wormwood if you follow the main road. Your ally Serena will be outside the cave.
Speak with Serena and she'll take down a magic barrier, granting you access to the Bowhole's interior.
Enter the dungeon. You'll find the Weird Dance ghost by the entrance. Speak with him and he'll teach you the dance.