Put a Lucky Collar on your puppy, if you have one. This increases the chance that you will find rare items, like the fireman's hat. The Lucky Collar is found randomly when you take your puppy for a walk.
Bathe and feed your puppy before taking her on a walk. Happy puppies are able to walk longer and will find more valuable items.
Wait until you hear a fire engine siren outside. When you hear it go by your house, tap on the "Home" icon. Tap the "Walk" icon to open the dog-walking menu.
Tap the icon that looks like a dog wearing a leash. Select "Yes" to open the neighborhood map.
Draw a line, using the Nintendo DS stylus, around the path you want the puppy to walk. The path must start and end at your house. Tap "Yes" to start walking. If the puppy finds a box containing a fireman's hat, the dalmatian is unlocked at the store.