"Scribblenauts" defines "Animals" as being any animal that exists today or has existed at one point or another on Earth in real life. "Animals" can be of valuable assistance in helping Maxwell solve puzzles. Generally, Maxwell can use them for travel or riding purposes. For a complete list of "Animals" that you can utilize in "Scribblenauts," visit this link:
"Beings" are defined as being any living thing that is not a real-life person or a real-life animal. This includes fictitious creatures like "Bigfoot" or "Death," as well as normal individuals with make-believe occupations like "Ghost Hunter" or "Superhero." A complete list of "Beings" can be found at the following link:
"Weapons" are objects that can be used to inflict damage or harm on an enemy that gets in the way of you solving your puzzle. Some weapons are relatively conventional, like "Axe," "Bazooka" or "Pistol," while other weapons are silly and outlandish, like "Medusa's Head," "Thor's Hammer" or "Excalibur." All "Weapons" can be found here:
"Scribblenauts" defines "Food" as being any edible object. However, this list does not include animals. One particular use for foods in "Scribblenauts" is that it can used to motivate any animals that you have summoned. All "Food" can be viewed at the following link:
Remaining Objects
Maxwell has almost 23,000 objects from which to choose to solve the puzzles that come his way. "Handheld" objects include anything Maxwell can pick up, while "Interactable" items can be used but not held. "Holders" are objects like "Purse," "Glass" or "Cabinet" in which Maxwell can store other items. Objects in the "Buildings," "Idle," "Landscape" and "Plant" categories can be used to decorate the game. "Clothes" can be worn. "Vehicles" are non-living things that Maxwell can ride. And "Persons" indicates real-life historical figures, celebrities or professions. These categories can be found and reviewed at length at this link: