Defeat Team Galactic to foil their plans in the Team Galactic Eterna Building, located to the north of Eterna City.
Head to the Bicycle Shop, located to the south of the Eterna City Pokemon Center. Speak to the owner of the Bicycle Shop to receive a free bicycle as a reward for saving him from Team Galactic.
Press "Start" to open the in-game menu, and open your key items bag. Select "Bicycle" to ride it.
Head south through the gate to exit Eterna City. Speak to Professor Rowan's assistant in the city gate to obtain an Exp. Share item if you have at least 35 Pokemon recorded in your Pokedex.
Bike south to reach Cycling Road. Here, you will automatically bike downhill without having to use the directional keys. There are many trainers to battle as you ride down Cycling Road.