Using the Card Machine
Beat the game's "Story" mode. After you beat the game's "Story" mode, you will be given the Stardust Dragon card. Before the game ends, your character will give it to Yusei.
Return to the main menu and select "World Championship."
Select the "Shop" option, then select the "Password" option.
Enter "44508094" to unlock the Stardust Dragon card. You can only get the card from the card machine if you have owned the card before or if you own 80 percent of the cards in the pack that the card originally comes in.
Purchasing Packs
Beat Barclay, Shuji, Taniyama, Ellison Noula, Skathi, Yagishita, Geruzet,
Motoi, Kyono, Fudagawa, Dio and Vega in a duel three times each in the game's "Story" mode to unlock The Duelist Genesis pack, which contains a total of 80 cards. The Stardust Dragon card is an "ultra rare" card that can be found in the pack.
Beat the game's Tag Tournament five times and defeat all of the 36 duelists in the Tag Duel mode five times each to unlock the 63 card World Championship Edition 8 pack. Stardust Dragon is an "ultra rare" card that can be found in this pack.
Keep purchasing packs until you get the Stardust Dragon. Cards are packaged in fives, so you may need to purchase the same pack multiple times.