Unlock Cards
Select "Send" from the main menu and then choose the option "Download Pop-Up Card." Wait for a message to appear that reads "Looking for available Downloads" and then type whichever cheat code you desire. To unlock the bonus card Chocobo, enter the cheat "R, Y, Right, Down, L, A." Input "Down, X, R, Right, A, B" to get the Shinryu bonus card. Use the code "L, Up, Right, B, A, B" to receive the Ultima Weapon card. For the bonus card Omega, input the cheat code "Right, L, Y, Right, Down, Up." Enter the cheat "A, L, Left, Up, R, R" for the Ragnarok card.
Omega Cannon Card
This card is obtained slightly differently to the previous ones. Go to the main menu and choose the "Send" option. Select "Download Card" from the list of options available. Press the button combination "L, L, Up, B, B, Left" to unlock the Omega Cannon card.
Credits Cheat
Whether in video games, television shows or movies, credits are often skipped or ignored. But do this in the credits to "Final Fantasy: Chocobo Tales" and you will be doing yourself a disservice. Use your stylus to touch the letter "O" whenever it appears to receive a new random card.
Other Cheats
It is possible to unlock an in-game music player. Play through the story mode once to unlock it and enter the "Sound" menu to use it. You can access this menu by tapping the purple circle at the bottom of the screen with your stylus. Play the level Cliff hanger and receive a gold or silver award for your performance to get two new cards: Turtle Power and Turtle Power Plus.