Changing Forms
Travel the Wave Road until "Warning" flashes on your screen. The next random battle you encounter while "Warning" is on your screen will contain either a boss or "G" viruses. You can only change forms when fighting "G" viruses in Warning battles.
Defeat the "G" viruses encountered in the Warning battle. Whether or not you will receive a new Noise Form from a battle is randomized. Continue to explore the Wave Road until you defeat "G" viruses in a Warning battle and are prompted to change your Noise Form. The Noise Form to which you are prompted to change is randomized.
Confirm the Noise Form change. You will exchange your current Noise Form for the new Noise Form and receive an update from the Meteor Server with information on the Noise Form's properties.
You can change to your previous form by talking to the friendly Noise in National Astro Wave 1. You can keep a total of two Noise Forms and switch between them by talking to the friendly Noise. Rogue Noise Forms cannot be stored, however, so only switch out of a Rogue Noise Form if the new Noise Form is superior.