Connect the Action Replay device to your computer and open the "Action Replay Code Manager" software that comes packaged with the device. The program will automatically detect the connected peripheral.
Right-click on the "My Codelists" panel at the bottom right of the screen.
Click "Add new game." A small window will appear.
Type the game's name and the game's ID: 65e1d889. Once finished, press the "OK" button to add "Jump Ultimate Stars" to list of games.
Right-click in the "My Codelists" panel.
Click "Add new cheat."
Type a name for the cheat and enter the cheat to unlock all komas:
94000130 fdff0000
d5000000 ffffffff
c0000000 0000001c
d6000000 020b0bac
d2000000 00000000
Disconnect the device and attach it to your Nintendo DS with a copy of "Jump Ultimate Stars."
Boot the console and the game to its main menu.
Hold the "L" button to unlock all komas.