Things You'll Need
Navigate to the list of current "Pokemon."
Choose the first "Pokemon" you would like to put in your book. Click on the link for that "Pokemon" to navigate to its detailed information page.
Print out the information on your chosen "Pokemon" page by clicking on "File," then the "Print" options on the upper-left hand corner of your web browser.
Punch out three even-sized holes on the left side of the printed information page using your three hole puncher.
Open the three ring binder, and slide the printed "Pokemon" information page onto the rings. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until you have all of the "Pokemon" pages you want in your book.
Stick your colored sticky page tabs on each "Pokemon" page to check off which ones you have captured. You can also color-coordinate which types of "Pokemon" you want to capture by level, power or element type.