Safari Zone Areas
When you enter the Safari Zone, you have access to six out of twelve Pokemon habitats. The areas change randomly each time you enter the zone, or you can use the computer in the Safari Zone building to specify which six areas you want to visit. Unique terrain squares that lie adjacent to one another in a three-by-two rectangle designate each habitat. The boundaries between each area are open, so you can freely walk from one to the other. Different Pokemon gather in the different areas, so visiting every area gives you the best chance to see a wide variety of Pokemon.
Rock Object Placement
Objects fall into four categories: Rock/Peak, Plains/Grassland, Water and Forest. Within the Rock/Peak category, you have three objects: the Small Rock, the Big Rock and the Mossy Rock. Press the "A" button when you're standing in any open space inside the Safari Zone. Use the "D-pad" to cycle through a list of your available objects. When you see the Small Rock, Big Rock or Mossy Rock, press "A" to select it. If you have multiple rocks in your possession, you can place them all in the same area or spread them out over different areas.
Object Value Increases
Each rock object, when placed in the Safari Zone, increases in value over time. A single Small Rock, for example, equals one rock object when first placed. If you leave that rock alone for 30 days, it becomes equal to two rocks; after 70 days, three rocks and at the maximum of 230 days, seven rocks. Two rock objects placed at the same time for 230 days will equal 14 rocks. Object value increases is a way to attract rare Pokemon that require more objects than you possess.
Pokemon Attracted to Rock Objects
All areas in the Safari Zone contain Pokemon you meet by walking through the grass, fishing or surfing on the water. Rare Pokemon only appear when you place objects on the ground to attract them. These Pokemon each require a particular number of objects and only respond to certain object types. The Pokemon attracted only to rocks in the Plains area include Ponyta, five rocks, Houndoom, 10 rocks, and Zangoose, 15 rocks. In the Savannah area you can attract Rhyhorn, five rocks, Rhydon, 10 rocks, and Torkoal, 18 rocks. In the Peak area Wobbuffet and Magmar are likely to appear when you place 10 rocks. For 24 rocks, you may see Lairon. The other nine areas in the Safari Zone have up to three Pokemon in each that are attracted to rock objects.