Things You'll Need
Press the "D-pad" on the Nintendo DS to make the trainer walk up, down, left and right.
Talk to a special character, usually your mother, near the start of the game to receive a pair of running shoes. These special shoes allow you to move more quickly when you hold down the "B" button and the "D-pad" at the same time.
Visit the bicycle shop to receive a bicycle that allows you to move faster across the map than walking or running. The bicycle also allows you to use a special cycling road that serves as a shortcut between two cities.
Teach one of your eligible water-type Pokemon the move Surf. This allows you to move across any body of water, from a small pond to the open sea. To teach a move to a Pokemon, press the "X" button to view the list of moves you have obtained. Select the move to teach, then highlight the Pokemon you want to learn it.
Teach one of your eligible flying-type Pokemon the move Fly. This allows you to fly from any spot on the map to a city you have previously visited.
Teach one of your eligible water-type Pokemon the move Waterfall. This allows you to travel up or down a waterfall to reach different areas of the map.
Teach one of your eligible Pokemon the move Rock Climb. This allows you to scale the sides of cliffs where you see trails leading up and down.