Things You'll Need
Connect your Action Replay device to your computer via the provided USB cable.
Start the "Action Replay Code Manager" software that comes packaged with the device.
Right-click in the "My Codelists" panel in the bottom-right panel.
Click "Add new game." A new window will appear.
Enter the name of the game (Pokemon Black &White),the game's ID (IRBJ B39DB08A), and click "OK." The game will instantly be added to your list of games.
Right-click on the game you added (Pokemon Black &White). A list of options will appear.
Click "Add new cheat." A new window will appear.
Type the wild Pokemon modifier into the window:
521A94B4 D1032800
121AA4B0 0000E001
D0000000 00000000
521A94B4 D1032800
94000130 FEFF0000
121AA4B0 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
Give the cheat a name and press "OK." The changes will automatically be saved to your Action Replay card.
Disconnect the Action Replay device from your computer and insert into your Nintendo DS system. The device will fit snugly into the handheld console.
Insert "Pokemon Black &White" into the open cartridge on the console. You may start the game normally and the modifier will be disabled when you load your "Pokemon Black &White" game.