Using the Action Replay
You have two options for entering codes into the Action Replay. If you have a computer running Windows XP, you can install the Action Replay Code Manager and enter codes from your computer. Otherwise, insert your "Pokemon SoulSilver" game into the Action Replay cart and place both into your Nintendo DS. Start up your Nintendo DS, which will recognize both the Action Replay and your game. Select "+ADD" to enter new codes.
Event Arceus Code
Enter the following code either manually or through the Action Replay Code Manager to get the event Arceus. Go to any PokeMart and talk to the man in green to receive your Arceus, which should appear to have been traded from "Pokemon Diamond." Activate the code by pressing the left and right triggers at the same time.
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
e0009f50 00000104
00000001 00000001
00000001 e8fd0000
a0f4b9e3 5a4c5dad
f35a84cd e9571fb5
f3e263f7 09088252
64c70c40 b3d6578a
fcff687b 3472d98d
689ecfe0 82a0cb86
ddb70bfa 1c979418
37e16ae4 6c48db2b
d53e7993 967d2307
9e77d3e5 5da777bf
fdc28907 25ccd2ac
22d4eb82 26cc2251
6c6394fb 1eafbee3
3b22d8bc 956b44d2
670ffae1 020c87dd
780dd226 b815ab02
ac2141c6 1ee9d28a
b7a578bd 374c4a26
debc0cd8 92f95736
22317837 d4e459c1
82413e98 ff91b194
3cd5d027 02e7d2ab
1445107d d4934469
742b3167 a857a728
138b2bce 26d8abf6
975673d6 c1b333eb
d8372d49 062303d5
eeb0fda5 0ab9a8b3
474e9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Wild Arceus Code
Enter the following code and press the left and right triggers simultaneously. Activating this code will modify which Pokemon you encounter in the wild. The code will give you 493 Master Balls and 90 Ultra Balls, with the number of Master Balls corresponding to the wild Pokemon's number, while the number of Ultra Balls changes the Pokemon's level. Because Arceus is No. 493 in the National Pokedex, you will not need to throw out any Master Balls. To encounter Arceus at Level 90, keep all your Ultra Balls. For other levels, simply throw away Ultra Balls until they match the level you want to meet. If you want to encounter Arceus at Level 10, for example, throw away 80 Ultra Balls. Arceus will be the next wild Pokemon you see upon entering tall grass.
94000130 FEFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000D14 01ED0001
00000D18 00640002
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 00000D16
C0000000 00000027
D7000000 00025A68
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DB000000 00000D1A
C0000000 0000000B
D8000000 00025A5C
Other Pokemon can be encountered in the wild with this cheat by throwing away Master Balls equal to that Pokemon's number in the National Dex.
100 Percent Capture Rate Code
To make sure you catch the wild Arceus generated with the previous code, enter this next code into your Action Replay device:
92247612 00002801
12247612 00004280
D2000000 00000000
9224670A 00002101
1224670A 00002100
D2000000 00000000