You may have only one baby at a time, but once you have completed the levels and games, you may create a new baby. In order to delete a profile, whether you have completed the game or want to start over, tap the house icon that is on the bottom left of the screen. Note that you must have completed feeding her at least once before this option is available. Choose "Options" and tap "Save." Press the "R," "X" and "B" buttons at the same time to unlock the "Delete" option. Tap the "Delete" button, which allows you to start over.
Exclamation Marks
One of the most common complaints for this game is misunderstanding the exclamation mark that may appear when attempting to level your baby by doing tasks such as washing her. When the exclamation mark appears, it makes it impossible to perform the task. This is not a glitch in the game, it simply means that your baby girl is unhappy or agitated. To continue, tap the hand icon and stroke or tickle the baby while speaking softly until the baby laughs or smiles. After this, you will be able to perform the needed task to continue leveling your baby girl.
Listen closely to what the nurse and doctor tell you and listen to the noises your baby makes. Follow directions and keep trying to complete the task. Keep in mind which extremity you are supposed to be working with and focus on that part -- if you are supposed to have the baby grab your finger, keep your stylus working with the hands. This game is supposed to be realistic, so you have to be patient with your baby girl. Keeping your baby happy -- talking and playing with her a lot -- allows you to complete tasks faster.
Making Money
In order to make extra money, which is used to buy toys and clothes, you use what is called a "cheat" for the game. Tap on the shop icon and purchase toys. You can also earn free toys from achievements. Sell back the toys and return to your baby. Go back to the shop and the toys will still be in your possession, as if they were never sold. Sell them back. Each time you do this, you will gain more money.