Make it to quest 16 for the light fang organization in Sunshine City. Use your directional pad to move to the Union Room at the beginning of the quest.
Press the "A" button to talk to GranDracmon and then move to your right. Go to the treasure chest and press the "A" button to receive the Bit Ring alpha.
Move up and then to the right, going past a bridge. Walk down the lower path and then go down the ladder. Move to the right and then climb up the next ladder.
Use the directional pad to continue moving forward and then take the path on the left. Follow the WaruSeadrmn creature once you find it singing.
Press the "A" button to talk to the creature. Select the "Union pay" option and you will then receive multiple 22680 dark experience points from GranDracmon, which will bring up to the dark fang level of experience.