Go north on Route 43 to the Lake of Rage. Surf on the lake and attack the Red Gyarados there.
Go back to shore after you have defeated the Red Gyarados and talk to Lance of the Elite Four, who will ask you to help him infiltrate Team Rocket's base in Mahogany Town.
Go to Mahogany Town to the souvenir shop, where Lance will expose a secret door at the rear.
Go in the door, which should take you to Team Rocket's underground base. Battle the enemies and defeat the electrodes powering the base's generator.
Return to Mahogany Town to find that Team Rocket has fled, with only the salesperson remaining.
Head to the gym and defeat the Ice-type gym leader Pryce. You'll get an emergency call after exiting the gym telling you that Team Rocket has overrun Goldenrod City's radio tower.