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Cheats for the Pokemon Daycare in SoulSilver

The Pokemon Daycare in "Pokemon SoulSilver" is on Route 34, close to Goldenrod City. Pokemon left at the daycare will gain one experience point for every step the trainer takes. Pairs of Pokemon left at the daycare may produce eggs, which will hatch if they are carried around by the trainer. There are ways to trick the daycare into quickly leveling up your Pokemon and producing more Pokemon eggs.
  1. Quick Daycare levels

    • Put a character with "Rock Climb" against a rock wall. Tape down the directional pad in the proper direction so a character will continually walk up, then slide down, the rock wall. Plug the DS into the charger and leave the game turned on overnight. Each step the trainer takes in this cycle will increase the experience points of the Pokemon left in daycare.

    Quick breeding

    • Pokemon left in the Daycare can be tricked into producing an egg faster. Traded Pokemon will breed faster than caught Pokemon, and two Pokemon of the same species will produce an egg faster than Pokemon of two different species.

    Ditto breeding

    • Pair a rare or starter Pokemon with a Ditto to breed more of that Pokemon. Catch a Ditto on Routes 34, 35, and 47, in the Cerulean Cave, or in the Safari Zone. Leave the rare Pokemon with the Ditto in the daycare until they produce an egg. This will allow a player to breed a rare Pokemon to trade and keep his own copy. This will not work with Legendary Pokemon.

    Incubating eggs

    • Keep a Fire-type Pokemon with either the Flame Body or Magma Armor in your party to cut in half the number of steps the trainer needs to take to hatch the egg.

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