Start up the Korg DS-10 on your Nintendo DS and go to the "Filters" screen.
Set the top switch, "Octave," to the 12 o'clock position in the Pitch column on the left-hand side. Set the next switch, "Porta," down to minimum, at the 8 o'clock position, and the "EG INT" control below that to 12.
Set the "Level" and "Drive" VCA controls in the section at the bottom of the screen to maximum.
Set "Attack" to minimum, "Decay" to maximum, "Sustain" to the 2 o'clock position and "Release" between 2 and 3 o'clock in the right-hand column, EG.
Set the "Cutoff" control to just before 9 o'clock, "Peak" to just after 3 o'clock and "EG INT" to 2 o'clock in the VCF box. Push the slider at the bottom right to the top, to "LPF."
Go to the "Patching" control screen, and connect the "VCA IN" hole on the far left of the screen to the "EG" slot below and to its left. Turn the "VCA IN" control knob to maximum.
Go to the "FX" screen and select "Delay" in the left-hand column and "Syn 1" in the right.
Push the "SYNC" switch at the bottom of the screen to "BMP," and set the "Delay Time" control to a low value, just above 8 o'clock. Leave "L/R Ratio" at 12, set "Feedback" to 1 o'clock and "Dry/Wet" just in between the two.
Go back to the main keyboard screen and play some notes, producing the sound of a distorted electric guitar.