Tap "Single Player" from the "Super Scribblenauts" main menu on the bottom screen of the Nintendo DS.
Select a profile.
Select a world from the worlds available to you. If you are just beginning, only world 1 is available. Select a stage once a world has been selected.
Complete the objective to gain a gold star. At the start of each level, your objective is displayed to you on the top screen of the Nintendo DS. For example, your objective may be to add items to a level to create a beach party. Use the stylus and the keyboard on the bottom screen to create beach party items, such as a volleyball net and a boombox, to complete the level and receive your Starite.
Tap the level to enter the challenge mode for that level, if a grey crown appears over the level. In the challenge levels, you will have to complete the level three times in a row without repeating items. If you use a volleyball net and a boombox on the first try, you can not use those items for the second and third. Complete all three versions of the level to receive a second Starite and finish the level.