HM01 Cut and HM02 Fly
HM01, Cut, is a Normal-type move you can use to cut down small trees and bushes in the field. These bushes often block the way to new areas or conceal a hidden item. In battle, Cut has an attack power of 50, with a 95 percent chance of hitting its target. Get Cut by speaking to Shirona in the Eterna Forest.
HM02, Fly, is a very useful move that lets you quickly travel to any city you've been to before. As its name implies, only Flying-type Pokemon can learn this move. In battle, a Pokemon who uses the move flies up high on the first turn to avoid damage and then strikes its foe on the next turn. The move is powerful, with a 95 attack power. Find Fly in the Team Galatic Warehouse.
HM03 Surf and HM 04 Strength
HM03, Surf, allows you to navigate deep waters around the region, opening up previously unavailable areas. Many islands and areas that you can explore with Surf contain rare Pokemon and items. It is a Water-type move, so only Water-type Pokemon can learn Surf. When used in battle, it has an attack rating of 95, and the move will never miss. Get Surf at the Celestic Town Shrine.
HM04, Strength, lets you push large boulders around. This move is useful in caves to remove boulders that block your path. Outside of caves, though, the move isn't often needed. Strength is a Normal-type move with an attack power of 80. You can find it in the Lost Tower, on the top floor.
HM05 Defog and HM06 Rock Smash
HM05, Defog, clears away fog that blocks your view in an area. Because only a few areas in the game are foggy, you won't need the move in the field very often. In battle, Defog is a Flying-type move you can use to lower the evasiveness of an enemy. Find Defog by talking to the man inside the Safari Game.
HM06, Rock Smash, lets you break open rocks in caves and on mountains. These rocks sometimes block your path, and they occasionally contain items. Like Strength, you won't need this move very often. It is a Fighting-type move with an attack power of 40. It may also lower a foe's defense. Find Rock Smash by talking to the hiker standing near the entrance of Mt. Coronet Range.
HM07 Waterfall and HM08 Rock Climb
HM07, Waterfall, enables you to swim up waterfalls and reach new areas. You must use it in conjunction with the Surf move. This Water-type move has an attack power of 80, and it never misses. Find Waterfall by speaking with Jasmine in Nasagi City.
HM08, Rock Climb, lets you climb up sheer mountain walls to reach higher levels. This move is ideal for exploring farther in caves and mountains, where the best items tend to be hidden. It is a Normal-type move that may confuse a foe if it strikes them. The move has an attack power of 90 and an 85 percent chance of hitting the foe. Find Rock Climb while exploring Route 217.