Things You'll Need
Via Mystery Gift
Turn on the Nintendo DS and press start at the title screen.
Select the "Mystery Gift" option and select "Nintendo WFC." If Nintendo is currently distributing Mews online, you will receive one.
Start the game normally by pressing "Continue" from the main title options menu. Go to the nearest Pokemon Center and talk to the deliveryman at the front of the building. He will give you a level 5 Pokemon.
Via Pokemon Ranch
Turn on your Wii and start "Pokemon Ranch." Select "Connect."
Turn on your Nintendo DS and select the "Wireless Connect" option.
Make sure the two systems are connected. To obtain Mew via "Pokemon Ranch," you will need to transfer 999 Pokemon onto your ranch via the "Transfer" option. Once you have done so, you will reach level 25 and Haylee will award you a Mew egg, which you can then transfer back to your copy of "Pokemon Platinum."