Things You'll Need
Acquire an Electabuzz Pokemon and an Electrizer. Put Electabuzz into your Pokemon party.
Pause the game and select the "Backpack" menu option. Look in the "Battle Items" section and select the Electrizer item. Select the "Give" option and then click on Electabuzz.
Go to your nearest Pokemon Center and go upstairs. Talk to the woman on the middle desk and select "Yes" when asked if you want to trade. Save your game when prompted and enter the Union Room.
Arrange with your trade partner to go to a Pokemon Center in her game and perform the process above.
Talk to your trade partner's avatar in the Union Room. Select the "Trade" option and then click on the Electabuzz that has the Electrizer. Confirm your trade.
Wait for your partner to select a Pokemon that she will trade, and agree to the transaction.
Perform another trade with your friend to return your evolved Electabuzz (now Electivire) back to you.