Finish Sinnoh Pokedex. In order to accomplish this, you'll first need to collect every Sinnoh region Pokemon. Speak with Professor Rowan. He's located inside Sandgem Town. After you talk to him, the Professor will hand you the Poke Radar. In order to get the National Pokedex you'll need to beat the Elite Four. The Poke Radar Poketch app will be presented to you by Professor Oak. Purchase the maximum number of Potions, Max Repels, Revives and Pokeballs possible.
Look over your party. Add a strong Pokemon that has the attack False Swipe and can also beat up opponents to your party. Go to Trophy Garden. Find a big section of grass. It will cover nearly the entire screen.
Utilize Max Repel. Use another right away when the initial one is exhausted. Now use Poke Radar. Walk into the sections of grass that shake. You'll hit an Eevee. Go to the next section of grass. Use Knock Out on the next Eevee. Capture it. Keep in mind that this Eevee won't be shiny.
Select the same kind of shaking grass you just previously encountered. You'll locate the shiny Eevee in this section of shiny grass. Opt to use the shiny grass that's farther from your present position. Reset the Poke Radar. Keep doing this until you locate a section of shining grass. Go near it. Here you will locate the shiny Eevee. Utilize a Pokemon that has False Swipe. You can utilize a pokeball to catch the shiny Eevee. Make sure to lower the HP to 1.