Things You'll Need
Turn-on your Nintendo DSi. On the home screen scroll to "Nintendo DSi Shop," and press the "A" button. Wait for the device to connect to a wireless Internet source. When it's connected, it will take you to the DSi Shop home.
Click "Start Shopping" to open the DSi Ware homepage. Select "DSi Ware." The top screen shows available DSi points, while the bottom screen displays game categories by price and a search option. Choose an option to proceed.
Click the application you want to buy; then confirm your purchase. Click "Download 500 Points," or however many the app costs. After you do this, DSi Ware asks you to reconfirm your purchase, showing you the cost of the application and the amount of memory it needs.
Click "Yes," and wait for the product to download. When it is complete, "Download Successful!" appears on the screen. Click "OK."
Press the "Power" button to open the DSi home screen. Scroll until you find a box with a bow on it, and click to open the box. Now click the application to install and launch it.