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How to Delete a Person in Thrillville: Off the Rails for DS

"Thrillville: Off the Rails" is a DS port of the Wii, Xbox 360 and PSP game. However, the DS version of "Thrillville: Off the Rails" has little to do with the original besides the concept of creating an amusement park. The DS game is more of an role-playing game than a simulation, according to GameSpot. You can't delete any of the characters in the game, but you can delete a profile you created to play the game in the game menu.


    • 1

      Load "Thrillville: Off the Rails" on your Nintendo DS console.

    • 2

      Select "Start" from the menu screen. Click "Delete Profile."

    • 3

      Select the person's profile that you want to delete. Click "Yes."

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