Run to the right on the railroad roof. This level shows the side-scrolling view of the train. If you run to the left, you will fall into a pit of coal and die. Head to the right and stay towards the middle of the train carts so you do not fall off the edges.
Punch and defeat the villain at the edge of the first train cart. Two punches will knock all his LEGO pieces off.
Jump down to the red, white and blue train cart. Bust open the two boxes and collect all of the LEGO pieces.
Fight off the two henchmen that appear behind you. Use the "B" button to grapple them and swing your remote to throw them off the train. Collect all the LEGO pieces.
Run forward and jump up to grab the ledge of the next train cart. Two LEGO giraffes will appear at the top.
Jump down directly in front of the giraffes. You will land on a small ledge that hangs off the train cart. You could miss this several times, so keep attempting until you land properly. You cannot access the ladder for this section.
Walk along the ledge until you reach the red and white train cart. Fight off the henchmen and then climb up to the next train. Bust open all of the boxes and collect the studs.
Hold down "Z" and "C" to build the white and blue LEGO pieces. A small sliding track will appear. Push the large box to the end of the track. Your LEGO character will fall into a hole and enter the train for a cut scene and the end of the roof section.