Select the ̶0;Multiplayer̶1; option from the main menu of ̶0;Call of Duty: Black Ops̶1; and then click the ̶0;Online̶1; option. Select ̶0;Player Match̶1; from the drop-down menu.
Scroll down to the ̶0;Killstreaks̶1; menu, click it, and then press the ̶0;Clear Killstreaks̶1; button.
Select ̶0;Chopper Gunner̶1; and up to two other killstreak rewards of your choice. Press the ̶0;Back̶1; button.
Press the ̶0;Find Match̶1; button and select a match type, such as ̶0;Team Deathmatch̶1; or ̶0;Free-for-all.̶1; Wait for the game to begin and then play as you normally would; you'll be notified as soon as you get to a nine-kill streak. Even the best players don̵7;t get one every match, so don̵7;t be discouraged if it takes a few tries.
Press the button indicated onscreen to activate your chopper gunner. Your screen now shows you up in a helicopter. Press the ̶0;Fire̶1; button when prompted to use your chopper gunner killstreak reward.