About Neighbors
"Animal Crossing: City Folk" is an open-ended game, and you never need to talk to your neighbors if you don't want to. Neighbors provide several benefits, though, so it is worth it to make friends with at least a few of them. Neighbors who like you may give you free items that you often cannot find in the local store. Neighbors also remind you about upcoming events and tell you when a special visitor arrives in town.
Making Neighbors Stay
Most neighbors will not live in your town forever. Often, they get the urge to travel the world and move to another city. Neighbors who want to move sometimes talk about how bored they are. If you and an animal are friends, the animal may ask for your opinion. Your answer influences whether the neighbor stays or moves. Neighbors live in a town longer if you talk to them and write them letters regularly.
Making Neighbors Move
Some animal neighbors are so annoying that you want them to move away. You cannot ask them to leave, but you can hasten their decision to move by treating them poorly. Strike the neighbor with your tools, like the shovel or net, several times per day to anger them. Dig a hole with the shovel and push the neighbor into it. If another neighbor mentions the neighbor you dislike, always say something negative about the animal.
Getting Neighbors to Move Back
Once a neighbor moves, a new animal takes his place in town, and there is little you can do to make the first animal return. Send the animal friendly letters every day, and if possible, include a gift. The gift need not be expensive; a shirt or piece of fruit works well. Animals love to get letters and gifts, and this is the only way to influence their return. It usually takes several months for a neighbor to move back.