Things You'll Need
Download and install the NBA2KX Mod Tool 0.15 on your computer. Insert the "NBA 2K11" game into your computer's CD/DVD drive. The mod tool will allow access to the files on the game disc. At the end of installation, a prompt will appear asking you to restart your computer. Restart, and when your computer returns to the Desktop, download and install the NBA 2K11 Logo Change Textures Pack, then restart the computer. Open the mod tool when the computer has returned to the Desktop and click the "Open" button in the left corner for the NBA2K11 folder.
Select the file "Global.iff" from the list of files that appears. Click the "Open" button on the lower right of the mod tool screen. The original "NBA 2K11" logo will open and display on the right of the NBA2KX Mod Tool. In the upper left corner, there will be a series of files with three digits followed by 10 digits--these are the textures from which you'll choose the new logo design for your scoreboard. Select and highlight each entry to show its corresponding graphic on the right, then choose "DDS:6 (to change the particular logo on the scoreboard)" from the drop-down subfile window, found directly underneath the file section.
Click the button "ImportRes," located in the upper left of the screen. Navigate and find the "Global" folder, which will be located in the newly-installed NBA 2K11 Logo Change Textures Pack. Select the file that corresponds to the texture that you want to use. For instance, if you're using "256 = 1198347997", choose "" in the "Global" folder and click "Open" on the bottom right corner of the screen. A prompt will appear that says "DDS Resource Import Success!" Click "Ok." The new graphic has been installed. The mod tool automatically updates the "Global.iff" file on the game disc. Remove "NBA 2K11" from your computer, insert into the Wii and enjoy your custom logo.